
fredag 16. desember 2011

Winter Song - Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson with Lyrics

Winter Song

by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson

bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum

bum bum bum bum bum bum

bum bum bum bum bum bum

This is my winter song to you.

The storm is coming soon,

it rolls in from the sea

My voice; a beacon in the night.

My words will be your light,

to carry you to me.

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love

They say that things just cannot grow

beneath the winter snow,

or so I have been told.

They say were buried far,

just like a distant star

I simply cannot hold.

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

This is my winter song.

December never felt so wrong,

cause youre not where you belong;

inside my arms.

bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum

bum bum bum bum bum bum

bum bum bum bum bum bum

I still believe in summer days.

The seasons always change

and life will find a way.

Ill be your harvester of light

and send it out tonight

so we can start again.

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

This is my winter song.

December never felt so wrong,

cause youre not where you belong;

inside my arms.

This is my winter song to you.

The storm is coming soon

it rolls in from the sea.

My love a beacon in the night.

My words will be your light

to carry you to me.

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

Is love alive?

lørdag 10. desember 2011

Listen With Your Heart

søndag 20. november 2011

Oppmerksomhet og intensjon - Jennifer Hoffman

Jennifer Hoffman 15.08.2011, postet 20.11.2011

oversatt av meg 20.11.2011

Oppmerksomhet og Intensjon

Det du går inn for og har som intensjon blir det som fanger din oppmerksomhet. Når du er energetisk og emosjonelt balansert, vil manifesteringen skapes ut i fra parameterene(faktorene) av din intensjon. Men når du ikke er i balanse med din intensjon, kommer det av at dine tanker og din tro ennå ikke er blitt tilstrekkelig integrert til å la deg selv være i den energien av det du ønsker å manifistere. Det er ingen flyt, og prosessen oppleves som skuffende og frustrerende. Dette kommer av at din oppmerksomhet fortrenger energi fra din intensjon.

Intensjonens kraft er hvordan du tillater din gudommelighet å bli uttrykt gjennom din menneskelighet, på måter som bekrefter din verdi, og stadfester din evne til å skape din virkelighet som du ønsker den skal være. Det er igjennom intensjon, bevisst eller ubevisst, at du skaper din virkelighet og som menneskehetens familie skaper dets erfaring av verden.

Ubevisst intensjon er hvordan du skisserer/tegner karmiske erfaringer og situsjonene som blottlegger og bringer dine sjelelige sår opp i dagen.

Bevisst intensjon tillater deg å finne den hjelpen/healingen og hensikten med dine lærdommer, for når du tillater at healingen skjer, så vil du også se hver eneste situasjon i sitt høyeste aspekt, noe som også inkluderer potensialet for glede.

Oppmerksomhet er sinnets fokus, som er basert i tid og rom. Tiden inkluderer fortid, nåtid og framtid. Rom(Space) er den virkeligheten sinnet er oppmerksom på, og som enten baseres på frykt eller på ubetinget kjærlighet. Det er ingen "virkelig" virkelighet fordi alt er en illusjon. Men for sinnet, uansett hva dets oppmerksom blir trukket til, er det denne (virkeligheten) som det forholder seg til. Sinnets oppmerksomhet beveger seg fra smerte og frykt til glede og kjærlighet, og det justerer seg selv ut i fra punktet: værste frykt og smerte. Her ligger din oppmerksomhet, og uansett dine intensjoner, så må frykten frigjøres og forløses før sinnet kan akseptere et annet energetisk aspekt av en potensiell virkelighet (meg: som feks glede og fred).

Oppmerksomhet og intensjon må være i balanse for å kunne la manifestasjonen flyte. Oppmerksomheten kommer i fra sinnet og intensjonen i fra Ånden, og du vil skjønne om disse er i balanse alt etter hva du tar hensyn til. Hva fokuserer sinnet ditt på? Hvor ligger frykten din?, og hvor føler du at energien ikke flyter? Det er i dette området at energien din ikke er balansert med intensjonen din, og når dette er adressert, så vil intensjonen igjen flyte med dine oppfinnelser og kreasjoner. Manifestasjonen vil skje med letthet og ynde, noe som skjer når du er justert/balansert i kropp, sinn, emosjoner og ånd. Du vil uttrykke din mestring gjennom din menneskehet forbundet med Ånd og vil huske at din gudommelig fødselsrett: å ha et liv i glede, fred, kjærlighet og ubegrenset overflod av alt hva enn ditt hjerte begjærer.

Jennifer Hoffman

For engelsk tekst:

torsdag 17. november 2011

Vår største frykt!

˝Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.˝

Marianne Williamson

tirsdag 15. november 2011

Murmuration - ONENESS

Jeg kom tilfeldigvis over en video som viste disse fantastiske bølgebevegelsene til Stær i flokk.
Det blir visstnok kalt murmuration på engelsk og uttrykker en særegen fellesbevegelse som vi også kan finne igjen hos insektsvermer og fiskestimer (sjøl om jeg tror fisken bruker disse formasjonene som et forsvar mot større fisk). Jeg ble ihvertfall veldig nysgjerrig på hvordan og hvorfor disse dyrene setter igang denne "bølgen" og spurte Enyah. Følgende svar ble gitt:

Der er for at samles til ett ene. Der er for at befeste hierarkier og en enhets følelse innad i en flokk, lik der er for fugler, og lik der er for bier. Så er der óg for at forsterke de genetiske bånd der er imellom de ulike individer der lever tilsammen i store flokker, lik der er nogle kodede forbindelser imellom de ulike individer. Der er óg for at indusere noget av hva der tales energetiske forbindelser individer imellom, for der er igjennom de energetiske vibrasjoner og toner sådanne dyr kommuniserer med hverandre.

Der er således lik der kan tales en dans der induserer livets energi, én vibrasjon der skaper sådanne flokkers tilpasninger til hverandre. Der skapes en ENHET lik om der kun var ETT individ i bevegelse, for så er der nødvendigt for de dyr der forflytter sitt selv i flokk over store geografiske avstander. Enhet er viktig. Der er lik ett individ tilsammens.

I kjærlighet


mandag 14. november 2011

Norway - Hessdalen - Ufo phenomenon evidence investigated by Norvegian U...

Her er et klipp i fra mer hjemlige forhold.. .....

11 11 11 HVA NÅ?


Monday, 14 November, 2011

11-11-11 was a special day whose significance extends beyond its unique date. It was special because the entire world shared in the hope, blessings and meaning of this day. Around the world people shared conversations that focused on enlightenment, possibilities and potential. But the world didn't end (it wasn't supposed to) and we continue with our life journey. Now that 11-11-11 has come and gone, we must focus on carrying the energy's momentum into the days following it. We do that by practicing integration, staying aligned with our intentions and putting them into practice. Like any other energetic shift, it's what we do after it happens that is important. Simply put, the Universe delivers the energetic package, but we have to open it and decide where its contents should go.

I have always found the days after a big shift to be somewhat anticlimactic. We feel the energy downloads, often experiencing intense physical side effects and then have the let down because despite all the anticipation and activity, the world appears to remain the same. The politics haven't changed, the wars haven't ended, people are still arguing about the same things and the world continues to be on the brink of chaos.......

les mer på

fredag 11. november 2011

søndag 6. november 2011

Iliukas fagråd - 29.10.2011

UTDRAG FRA FAGRÅDET PÅ RØROS 29.10. 2011 – ILIUKA KANALISERT GJENNOM LEIF HAVIK (Transkribert av Liv – Bliwaki 31.10.2011)



Der er således viktigt: Hør våre ord:

At se den tid der forankres er noget for at óg se alt flere og større muligheter til at leve ut sine tilstander.

Der er således lik den skal se hvorledes den tilbakelegger gamle opplevelser og befrier rum for nye opplevelser, nye bemøtelser av menneskebarn og ivaretagelser av frender der alt er.

Elske således eders fiender like meget som den elsker sitt selv, så er der til god gavn.

For alt hva den ser nu, er alt hva der så ryddes i nye marker, ryddes i nye energifelter for at skape nye vekster i en ny tid.

Således vil der óg være til gavn at befrie sine egne gamle dogmer. Kaste sådant for ilden. Se i nytankes spire hva der bringes så til nye innsikter for alle. Dog søke at se at en spesifikk innsikt er for individet selv. Den vil kjenne resonansen når den bemøter menneskebarn der så vil ete av de samme frukter, der så vil drikke av de samme kilder. Sprede ei til pest og til piner.

Være så lik i elskverdigheter for egen natur og egen visdom - og se alt hva der så er i gavnlighet for tiden der vokser nu.

Se forenelser og se adskillelser, lik der så er en sortering til individets beste gavn.

Jage ei efter tankene, dog søke at se at tankene kommer til en når der er i behov, lik sommerfugler søker nektar.

Være til stede i nuet og søke så at mottage alt efter de beste intensjoner.

Fremtidens samfunn er noget den vil se hva der genereres til nye tanker, nye verdienes bereknelser, og det gamle vil falle. Således er der den dynamiske tanke der vil revne.

Alt vil der skapes gjennom oppbyggelser i nye intensjoner, - gjennom ei øyet hva det ser, gjennom ei øret hva det hører, dog efter hva hjertet bedømmer er til kollektiv fortjeneste.

Således vil der ei måles noget mere efter individets verdi.

For et individ er intet verd om der er alene på sin Jord. Et individ er tomt om den så svever alene i Universum. Således er individets verdi at måles i hvorledes individet er i en liten flokk.

Hva kan den så av visdom og hva kan den høste av det samme visdoms frukter? Så er der at måles en verdi.

Så vil den óg se i tilstander der våkner i nye horisonter; alt hva der finnes til nye visdommer er óg hva der tilføres av Kosmos. Ei er der alt der kan begripes nødvendigheten, dog like fullt vil den se behovet vil strekkes til individ efter individ.

Nye tilstander, nye opplevelser, nye fysiske betingelser og nye kjemiske substanser, - alt er der i fornyelse. Nye hastigheter, nye frekvenser av lys, nye frekvenser av lyd, - det tomme skal fylles, - det fulle skal blive tomt.

Velsigne således alt hva der er i forendringer og sprede således ei nogen frykt for nogen.

For den er i Den Nye Tids portaler nu.

Tungt er der for mange øyner at se, tungt er der for mange hjerter at erkjenne.

Dog tiden vil stå opp, - og den vil se og høre menneskebarn der skaper nye innsikters oppvåknelser lik der var den første tid på din Jord.

Så mange vil fødes nu - og omfødes – og gjenfødes – og refødes, - på ny og på ny.

se menneskebarn ikring lik nyfødte livsvesener.

Anklage ei nogen for at det gamle tanke er blivet borte. Der er for at der vil skapes rum for nytanke.

Se at forenelsens faktum er óg steget ned til Jorden for at forene Norden og Sydens visdoms lys. Der er gavnligt.

For hva der før var så at balanseres gjennom adskillelser gjennom ekvatorial er nu for at forenes, for at så skape ny ekvatorial.

Nye polare begivenheter, nye polare punkter skaper nye indikasjoner av helliggjørelser, lik der er hellige ‘spots’, lik der er Leylines, lik der er Hartmanns (-gitter), lik der er magneto-meridianer.

Gledes for alt hva der er i forendringer.

Vi takker for ildens lys og alt hva der opplyser.

Helliget være dette kammer.

Velsigne således kjærlighetens vibrasjoner. Den er alt høyere på sin Jord nu.

Se til hvorledes den så byder næring til kjærlighetens vekster. Moderere hvor der er intenst, intensivere hvor der er moderat.

Aktivere hva der pasifiseres og frydes for vulkanos der er aktive, for så sover de ei noget mere.

Aktivere således menneskebarnet, for så skal de ei sove noget mere.

Aktivere således sansene gjennom egne opplevelser, og bære tro for hva den selv sanser, for så sover ei sansene noget mere.

For nu er ei tiden for at sove. Tiden er for at våke, for at erfare alt hva der så er på sin Jord.

Himmelen er så til stede nu. Være i himmelen!

Vi takker for menneskebarn og eders undringer.

Vi takker himmelske retninger, bevisstheter og ubevisste frø der manifesteres.

Vi takker tidsepoker der var, tidsepoker der er kommet,

tidsepoker der er - erobret av dette nu i en velsignet evighet.

Bære fred.

Konu Ekatah.

fredag 4. november 2011

Time Walkers - We Are the Living Keys of DNA Activation's Across the Grid of Life

Slik kan vi også se det:

These last few days have been intense both within my biology as well as within my consciousness. I am going to do my best to explain in detail not only what happened, but also, the fullness of understandings from it all.

I am writing this sentence after concluding this entire sharing. I am choosing to leave this sharing unsigned... nameless if you will. By choice and purpose.

It is funny, in the many many sharings I have been putting out in these last several months as well as the vast amount of readings I have been doing... every single piece a clue, a detail of what was coming. Of course, it has always been that way. But now when our cycles are no longer years but weeks and days, it is much easier to see the detail up close and personal!!

Let me go into detail about the word I kept hearing over and over again: I think the clearest way to explain it, is from what I had seen within myself. For simplicities sake, I am going to skip a lot of the details and just talk from the recent appearance of my past. Time Walkers

There was a version of Lisa, on an earth where the frequency of Light was high and expanding. This Lisa started her Time Walking on November 1st 2011 into the past, into the lower frequencies of the many versions of earth the other Lisas were walking upon.

She made sure the Lisa incarnated in pure density in the year 2000 had a Ouija Board experience. She also made sure she poured as much as she could thru the Ouija Board experience to change the mind set of the dense Lisa. Obviously... it worked. But only that night and that was enough.

The version that sat down at the dining room table on November 11th, 2000 went to sleep on one earth and woke up on a totally new earth. Of course, everything still looked very much the same to the old Lisa. But the truth is, that Lisa ceased to exist as she woke up in a new frequency of earth. Of course, on the new earth, everyone of her familiars are there too, playing their version of the game... but now, just slightly different. So slight, the mind doesn't notice.

As more and more experiences unfolded within the old Lisa's consciousness, she kept changing the version of earth she was on. As she traveled thru the perception of linear time, many of her even older aspects... those housed in ancient timeline's (from today's point of view) started to meet up with her, in meditation, in sudden knowings and understandings, housed in crystalline energies she journeyed with, etc. In the moments of integration, those ancient aspects left the grid of creation they were set up upon and melded into the consciousness of the Lisa walking home to herself.

As she continued to walk, the stage of her life kept changing. The players changed often. Different aspects of her meeting up in different human suits, triggering key points upon her consciousness as well as the grid of life we all walk upon. Trust me, one frequencies affects the All. One slight change of mind... changes all of creation in all frequency ranges.

Keep in mind, this is also the story of your life as well.

Every single person, place, memory she brought to her by magnetic attraction. Every experience designed to take her higher in the field of frequential creation. She could have stopped any time, any where, no harm no foul. She would have simply slipped out of the biology she was housed in, and come back into the last version of the "world" in which she allowed her frequency to move into. She could have also allowed any new obstacle (the higher you go, the more there are) to allow her to retreat back into the lower frequencies in which she was familiar and surrounded by many a familiar.

Because of the encoding in her DNA, she kept moving forward. This is a really important aspect to understand... for every Time Walker out there. And yes, I am going to be vague. Not every human suit is meant to fulfill this version of the game in your human suit. Case and point, Steve Jobs. He was indeed a time walker, from the time and place you refer to as Atlantis. Technology was supreme there and he brought what was needed forward to here. Bill Gates, the same. They came to bring this world something special. Something that would tie everyone together and then leave when their job was done. Even Atlantis had major contrast as you can see just in the two names. Steve was a highly evolved Light Being in Atlantis as well as this version of earth. Bill Gates came from the mind of technology itself. Little emotion. Even in Steve's parting moment, he left a gift of knowing... there is more!

So back to Lisa story. Each time she met a different aspect of herself, new codes were placed into her DNA. Some of the encodings opened immediately, some just housed in her electric biology until she hit a frequency within her biology that would allow them to open and integrate.

She will tell you she hit that frequency on Oct 30th of this year, I will tell you it was during a bathtub meditation back in 2008. It is when all things went from "downloads' (to use her words) to "expansions" the unlocking of the DNA encodings set within her.

Many of you are going thru the very same thing right now. Some have fallen back to the lower frequencies. Some on such a new frequency it is hard to keep your balance. Don't even try.

How can you live feeling balanced within when you have one foot in the sky as the other one lifts off the old version of reality you are departing from. Restore balance by force is to keep both feet (metaphorically speaking of course) on your old version of earth.

Keep in mind, for those on earth, this is a game housed in biology. Your biology MUST change frequency first. Your energy field cannot and will not change to the higher frequencies without your biology going there first. Oh many try. Many go to get energy work done, but that is not where the game is being played for permanency. It has always been about biology. You can fill a tank with high test, but eventually the gas runs out and you need to fill it up again. Change the structure of the car to solar powered... you become self fueling.

Lets go back to Time Walking. Have you noticed that one day you seem to wake up and the various familiar stories have changed? Some just small details, some so huge the mind wants to discount it all. That is when you know you made a grand leap in time. On every version of earth, the details are just a wee bit different. The higher the frequency, the larger the detail difference.

Have you noticed the newer, expanded versions only exist on the higher frequencies of life? It took close to 2000 for the collective to start to believe your version of the man you call Jesus was actually married. Married with children. He was after all, a human just like you. He played the game just like you. He attracted into the fields of his creation, others.... just like you. You are all One in the same. On some versions of earth, you never married, some you married, some you had children, others not a child at all. You are living every aspect of yourself available at your frequency level.

On Oct. 30th a total transmutation of the biological field we are calling Lisa took place. How many of you felt this too. Lisa is not a singular entity on this landscape. She pulls to her, from her own solar winds, all that is her. All the frequencies out on the grid for full activation. Her readings have indeed changed, she was puzzled, but yet, kept going. Keeps going.

It is no longer about seeing the future, but becoming it.

On November 1st all the encoding unlocked within her field of biology. How many of you felt it within yourself? The expansion?

What she didn't know (until now) was that on November 2nd, the next series of codes have been downloaded and placed within her.. for expansion in the days and weeks to come.

You, my collective children... have changed the world. More to come....

With honor and privilege,

11.11.11 kl 11

Breathe With Me on 11:11 at 11am (your time) for 11 Minutes
Our Light Filled Breath is the Greatest Power on Earth.

On November 11th, 2011 at 11am (your time), please join me in exhaling pure radiant Light for 11 minutes that encircles the capital. If you are in another country, encircle your country's capital. Here in the United States, that would be the White House.

Every state in our nation gathers in the white house and therefore, no aspect of this country will be left untouched by our Breath of Light.

Inhale the energy of the earth, with each exhale imagine you are at the Nations Capital and exhaling pure white light energy. Or simply pure breath. That is to say, no intention set into it. Light is quite intelligent and always serves the highest good in the best way.

There is no right way or wrong way of breathing. If you are currently breathing, you will be adding to the energy of this purposeful 11 minutes of Life changing breath.

Me personally, I will imagine walking clockwise on a spiral around the white house, each out breath covering the fullness of the White House as it seeps into every nook and cranny (in its right time).

Please join me in 11 minutes that can and will change the world we live within.

Date: 11/11/11
Time:11:00am (wherever you are)
Duration: 11 minutes
End Time: 11:11am (where ever you are)

It does not matter where you are, at work (go to the bathroom for 11 minutes) at home, find your happy place, in traffic (well your going to breathe anyway), no matter where you are or what you are doing. If you are breathing... you matter!

If you know anyone that is still breathing... pass this along and ask them to join in.

No programming... no intention... just pure breath

Light ALL-WAYS trumps the Dark!! One in breath and purity for the higher good of all,
Lisa Gawlas

mandag 31. oktober 2011

Ronna Herman informerer


Spennende informasjon om 6D´s forskjellige undernivåer, og om hva de inneholder.

lørdag 15. oktober 2011

søndag 25. september 2011

Humanity was planned!

Kanalisering av Kryon vi Lee Caroll 24.07.2011,

utskrift fra lydfil av An-Magritt

Greetings dear one I am Kryon from the Magnetic service. The process is swift. Filled with peace. It is a safe place here. The higher self of my partner and I - the group called Kryon -meld, and what we have said before many times it is not quantifiable. The human being wants to say: Who are you, and where are you from. And the answere is yes. You cannot count those things that are uncountable, you cannot ask where something is from when it is everywhere – all the time. It`s no secret that I come from the other side of the veil, so that is what you might say. And jet even that is not definable. But the veil is the perception not the reality. There are those walking the earth that have each foot on either side. It´s not actually a veil is it? It´s a vibratory rate. And where are you there? This message is quick, and its sweet and it´s for those in the room. It is not filled with profounded ease - a profecy. It´s not going to tell you what is going to occure, it´s not possible for us to give you that – for you are the ones that will create it. Instead it´s a reminder of who you are and who God is in the scheme of things. And so we want you to remember. I am going to give you some statements and some facts. And I want you to belive it. This is not the human being speaking – it never is. And jet I must use all of the parts of his intellect, of his mind, of his language, in order to give you these things. In channeling it always requires the filter of the human being to deliver the message. And since the actual messages that are direct without humanity are far and few between, if at all, it means that all of the channeling you have ever heard is delivered to the filter of the human being. And so we seek out old souls to channel. Not all who channel are old souls. Therefore there are some who are not channeling, who say they are. And you can tell. All you have to do is raise the intuition antenna – that´s a metafore for your own power of descernment. Do you feel it? Is it filled with love? Has it asked you to do things you wouldn´t normally do? Is it fear-based? Is it frightening? Or do you feel it´s from home? These are the questions to ask. You can ask them now. Even as you hear this voice and this process which has taken my partner 20 years to linearize. Here we come to translater. From the multidimensional state to one that has only one digit. It has taken him years. To take that confluence of energy which is a package delivered to him as a soup, and train us, to squeeze it into a box that is linear, so that it can be delivered in real time as you hear it now. And when he started it was not this way. And now it is. So his filter has come from a place of wisdom as an old soul. He like some of you have been worriers, he like some of you has been in the same battles. He like all of you have been multiple genders, part of the system, that brings you to the chair today. Blessed is the human being who searches for the divine inside. Who cares enough of who they are to find themselves in a place like this listening all day long. Trying to work the puzzle all day long. The laughter, the tears - all totally and completly apropriate - that´s just part of it. And at the end of the day, which is now for you, I want to put the dessert topping on this. I want you just to suspend all of your issues and problems and everything that is academic, and I want you to float with me – just for a moment, then you can come back. I want to take you to the beginning of the Universe.

The Universe as you know it has always existed just like God always existed. If there is no time, that means there is no beginning there is no end – God is that way. If you are piece of God – you are that way. It is true that as you reside in your corporeal bodies, you don´t have the full influence of the creator. You have only enough to sustain there which is your higher self, the rest of it is spread with us. Now, we have given you that information before and the portal is the higer self. As you increase the vibration of the higher self, more of that piece of God, which is you, enters. When you are on the other side of the veil, which is my side, you cannot be counted, you don´t have a name, other than the one we sing in light. It is difficult for me to tell you, you are not singular with one name and one face, you are part of that which is the collective of splendor. You are that which create light. The Universe always was. Multiverses are present all around you, they pass through you. It would be wrong for us to say that they were multidimensional, they are beyond that, they are things you have not seen jet. You don´t feel them. They exist at the same time you exist. Each one of them is in a spesific kind of physics. Yours is more or less 3-4D, more or less. For there are different parts of this universe which you look at, which are not like you. When the membranes of the multidimensional Universes meet and collide, they create another Universe. And that was your Big Bang. As far back as you want to look, indeed you will see an event. The residual of the event is measurable by astronomers. It was the beginning of your Universe, so long ago in linearity it staggers the mind to think about it. I was there, and so were you. When the Universe was hot, expanding and spinning. When the cataclysms that would eventually cool, which would include earth, were still in their infancy, you were there. The billions of your years it took for the earth to cool, had a purpose. Not only the creation of life, not only the creation of the human being at the eleventh hour, but also to allow for the majority of those pieces of rock, which would circle in the orbit of your solar system to find their final setteling place. Which meant the earth would be hidden number of times, until it was over. There would only be a few. That explains why it took so long. Because one large meteorstrike on this planet would terminate you. And that is not what the potentials are. Had you shown up earlier it would have been. A short ago - the dinosaur era, they were still coming in and hitting the planet. They all had to be exhausted, settled down, find their final orbit, which was not yours, for you to exist. Now let me tell you; This is the truth. Look at your history. This is when the human started to be develope. Does it seem to be accidental, that this planet of yours, which was so volatile for so long is so benevolent now?

And I would like to tell you something, human being, this is by design. And the reason, is that God loves you. The benevolent One who created the Universe and you were there loves you. 5-6 billion years ago. God loves you. In a blink of an eye - you are here. On the planet that truely is in chest. Not to see if you are good or bad, but to see what you will do. What the secret you carry inside. Can you find it, can you plant the seeds, can you create peace, can you graduate into an aboundant planet, and if you can and when you do, you like the Pleadians will pass it to another planet. And this is a part of a system, where pieces and parts of God make decisions without their knowing they are parts of God. In order to set energies of the next generation of earths. Billions more years will occure. There will be other earths. And in linearity you look at yours - and you say; well a couple of times when we will be snuffed out perhaps, and there will be a supernova perhaps, and this and that, and this and that...And you say it will be millions and millions of years, so we won´t worry about it now, that´s what the Pleadians thought, and they are still there. It´s a bigger plan than you know. Life is bigger than you know. Astronomers with limited tools, on this tiny little ball called earth, look out into the heavens the best they can. They can look all the way back to the Big Bang, see things that are billions of years old too clever like collection. They can measure the speed, that matters moving away from matter and wonder how it all works. But as they look at it they starting to realise something, there is a system, there is a plan, and they all know the secret, that they rearly speak about; The more they know, the more they realise - there had to be a designer. For there is no random - it is by us for life. That is because God loves you. The creator is you. And in that design there is benevolence, there is purpose. Astronomers call it intelligent design. And no knowledgement from science, it is totally out of the purview of randomness. Against all odds; here you are. Against all odds humanity developed at the best time possible. After all, the asteroides and meteors were done. Against all odds, the earth is now quiet. And you might say, well not really, look at all the tsunamies and the vulcanos. - Dear ones, that´s quiet! You should have seen it before. Some of the mountains that you admire - litterary came up of the ground during the night. Can you imagine?

Oceans that you look at coming and going in a matter of hundreds of years, from one level to another; Imagine the ground upheaveling thousands of feet, and then going back down in litterarly 300 hundred years. Can you imagine the forces that work. That would create something so volatile. There is nothing like that. And there is not going to be. The earth moves now in increments. The continents still move around. They will continue. Incrementally. Measurable. You even now where the most prone spots are for the movement. There are many who choose to live there. That´s their issue. The more science knows, the more they will be able to measure the potentials of the dangerous spots on the planet. Human free will. It´s always there. Spirit has given you invention, I talked about that last night. You are going to receive more and more earth signs in these next 10 years. Figuring out things you never thought you would be able to figure out. Processes will start to be seen. Weather prediction will get better. Warnings systems for storms get better. There will be those who make suggestions about the mandatory construction of shelters. Everywhere. Where you can get to safety within minutes, no matter where you are or where you live. It will start to make sense, it will be founded. It will be appropriate and proper. It will save lifes. It´s a benevolent Spirit, that is part of this - an evolving earth. The weathershifts you see are all part of the life-renewal cycle, - before it´s time by the way, for the population of the planet. What many have called doom and gloom, is a rejuvenation and recalibration of life on earth. For one reason: To feed you. To love you. To be part of the graduate earth you are planting seeds for. Generations will occure. You´ve got 18 more years to plant seeds. You´ve got a lot longer than that for them to grow. But you are the seed planters. The match-bearers. The ones who care enough about themselves to sit in the chairs all day, and ask the question; What do I need to know, dear Spirit tell me what it is? And some of you will come with intuition and leave differently than you came, and others will have seed-planted and you that are spiritual. They won´t grow until you water them. And that will be never, or it might be tomorrow. That´s free choice. You cannot unknow anything you heard today. There is no delete button in your brain. That is seed planting. And if you choose to use it, you may begin now. If you choose to wait in disbelife, you are blessed. There is no judgement. It is your free choice, it is part of the puzzle. And that is why we see you all the same we always have; parts of us. The Universe expanded. And we were there to watch. I see all dimensionalities. I hear symphonies of light. Imbedded in each one of you is a remembrance toon and sometimes it sings when you sleep. And it´s God, Spirit, Creator, vibrating the atomic structure, so you remember who you are. These are true. All that I am saying is real. And if you take the snapshot over hundreds of years, if not thousands, you will see how this time is different from any other. Humans don´t like change. There were those who sit around whished that it was like it was, not understanding that this is the change of vibrational shift, all that the minds talked about. All of the alignments are for. And jet there will be human beings, because it´s changing, who will yell from the rooftops; beware, beware, the end is near. And I will like to tell you something, in some ways it is. The End of old consciousness. It will take a while. Blessed are the gardeners and their room. Who chill the soil slowly, solving their own puzzles as they go, grabbing their seeds of truth of the benevolent God who loves you, knowing full well as they look up into the skies and thank God for their lives, why they are here, and what they are doing. As they look down at the soil and plant the seed of divinity, Gaia holds their hands and says thank you. And the full circle occurs to your ancestors who did much the same thing. Understanding the energy of the earth was part of you. Leave here differently than you came. Know there is a puzzle at your hand and you are solving it. Know that God loves you. Know that the overwhelming attitude of creation is benevolent. Understand that this is the guiding force, when you have a vibration that raises higher, you are more in touch with the benevolence of guidans, and that is why things get better. You are closer to the family. And that´s my message. If you really accept this message, you will never be the same. For you will understand you are never alone in anything, ever. That´s the challenge. Become multidimensional, and meet the ones around you. Let them hold your hand. Live longer.

And so it is.


søndag 18. september 2011

Iliuka om 28.10.2011

Svar med sitat

Dette sier Iliuka om den nært forestående dato. Da venter vi i spenning....

Spørsmål: Hva skjer etter den 28. oktober 2011?

Iliuka: Vi ser der oppvåknes til nye soloppganger. Vi ser den bliver óg at fornemme der finnes to soler. Vi ser der finnes óg nye balansens akser til hva der tales polare energier på sin jord, og der finnes rotasjonens forendringer på sin klode. Derigjennem vil der óg skapes nye fruktbarheter, og derigjennem vil der óg skapes nye bevegelser, forflyttelser av menneskebarn i masser. Der finnes så at se alt meget mere på sin jord hva der vil vokse under annen betingelser i frekvenser, i klimater og i magnetoenergier. Konu Ekatah.

Spørsmål: Hvor lang tid vil disse forandringene ta? Er det på en dag, eller vil det ta flere dager?

Iliuka: Ei er det. Ei er det. Der er efter tre soler og tre netter. Konu Ekatah.

InnleggSkrevet: ti. nov. 27, 2007 16:07 Emne: Fra råd på Biri 18. oktober 2007

onsdag 31. august 2011

Alanis Morissette - Thank You (Video)

"the moment I let go of it was the moment
I got more than I could handle
the moment I jumped off of it
was the moment I touched down

how bout no longer being masochistic
how bout remembering your divinity
how bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out
how bout not equating death with stopping

thank you india
thank you providence
thank you disillusionment
thank you nothingness
thank you clarity
thank you thank you silence "

søndag 28. august 2011

tirsdag 23. august 2011

Kryon 2.juli 2011 via Lee Caroll

Det kjennes til tider meningsløst og følelsesmessig tøft å brøyte vei for nye innsikter. Her prøver Kryon å gi en mer utfyllende forklaring på hvorfor og hvordan vi kan leve livet vårt. Han kaller det å være en fyrstikkbærer. I teksten under har jeg limt inn et lite utdrag fra denne kanaliseringa på dansk:

"Jeg har tænkt mig at tale om en metafor, som vi har givet så ofte før; men den får en særlig betydning, når vi giver den endnu engang. Jeg har en titel til dette budskab, som vi sjældent giver. Normalt lader jeg min partner gøre det senere. Denne gang har jeg tænkt mig at give den nu. Det er ”Egenskaberne ved Tændstikholderen.” Det er sådanne, der sidder foran mig lige nu, og som læser denne besked."

Les videre ved å trykke på koblingen.

tirsdag 16. august 2011


av Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Vi forutsier og skaper framtiden ved hjelp av ordene vi bruker i nået. Ordene våre er alltid en selvoppfylt profesi. Ikke så negative frø - skap kun det gode og intensjonen av det gode. Du kan utradere Universets beste intensjoner og planer ved dine egne negative ord og negative tanker. Ordenes kraft kan være liv eller død. Du vil få hva du uttrykker. Ordene dine gir liv til akkurat hva du sier.

Når vi snakker gir vi liv til det vi sier, lik vi planter et frø. Vi vil motta akkurat det vi uttaler. Ord er lik frø - de har kreativ kraft. Vi er den vi er i dag på grunn av ordene vi har uttalt tidligere. Alle ordene våre blir selvoppfylte profesier. Lytt til hva du sier om deg selv. Negative tanker trenger ikke å bli negative ord. I det øyeblikket du uttaler ordene, får det en helt ny mening og en helt ny energi.

Om du ikke liker det du erfarer, må du begynne å endre ordene du bruker.

Det er bedre å si ingenting- enn å si noe negativt. Negative ord kansellerer din høyeste plan - du fordømmer framtiden din - og du fordømmer livet ditt med ordene dine. Bruk ord som uttrykker tillitt og du vil samtidig uttrykke ditt høyeste vesen i lyset ditt og i hjertet ditt. Du kan endre atmosfæren overalt hvor du går ved bruk av ordene dine - kall på det gode, kall på lyset, kall på kjærligheten og kall på gudommelig hjelp.

Snakk ikke om problemer, men snakk heller om løsninger. Vi er ikke en observatør i livet vårt, men vi skaper prognoser for livet vårt. Vi skulle kalle på det usynlige som om det allerede var synlig. Kall på det du lengter etter, kall på det med ord fyllt av tillit, kall på det med lys. Endre din verden ved å endre på ordene dine. Din tunges kraft er livet eller døden. Gir du liv, eller ødelegger du?

Omstendigheter skapes av alle ordene du uttaler - ordene dine er selvoppfylte profesier. Du er skaperen av din egen omstendighet. Du kan endre det du har skapt med ordene dine. Når vi reagerer negativt på plutselige forandringer og kaos i livet vårt, utsetter vi hensikten med disse forandringene. Om vi aksepterer kaos som en mulighet til spirituell forhøyning- som en utvidelse av bevissthet, så vil smerten forsvinne. Det er kun oss selv som bestemmer hvor raskt kaoset vil passere. Det er utallige framtider som eksisterer på samme tid. Vår egen adferd bestemmer hvilket Univers vi vil entre. En profesi er å se framtiden i våre nåværende handlinger.